The WiFi networks Design project paints with light in the city

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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The WiFi networks Design project paints with light in the city

The WiFi networks Design project paints with light in the city, we’ve seen WiFi detectors used for a variety of DIY project before, other than none fairly like this somewhat determined project ripe up by Norwegian designers Timo Armall, Jørn Knutsen, and Einar Sneve Martinussen.

 They build a four-meter long WiFi detecting rod that boast 80 LED bulbs and accepted it about various neighborhoods in Oslo, option up signals of various strengths from nearby WiFi networks all the way. That's only the half of it, although. The real kicker is that they also capture the whole thing with long-exposure photograph to efficiently paint the "unseen terrain" of WiFi networks with light.